Aloe also is used at treating the skin disease such as acne, prickly heat, tinea.
芦荟也用于治疗粉刺 、 痱子 、 癣等皮肤病.
——期刊摘选How does darling prevent summer prickly heat?
期刊摘选Go of prickly heat make efficient way!
期刊摘选What method can prevent grow prickly heat?
期刊摘选How does everybody know to give darling the prickly heat on precaution and purify body?
大家知道怎么样给宝宝预防和去除身上的痱子 吗 ?
期刊摘选I am so big, grow prickly heat possibly still?
我这么大了, 还可能长痱子 吗 ?
期刊摘选Drink how does prickly heat giving wine do?
期刊摘选How ability, the fastest best elimination prickly heat?
怎么样才能, 最快最好的消除痱子?
期刊摘选Why to grow so big return chairman prickly heat?
为什么长这么大还会长痱子 啊 ?
期刊摘选Summer does the child perspire how to remove prickly heat much always er to do?
期刊摘选What method can treat prickly heat?
期刊摘选Go up personally when summer is hot why chairman prickly heat, how does ability cure quickly?
夏天热的时候身上为什么会长痱子, 怎么才能快速治好 呢 ?
期刊摘选The summer why the skin always is crawly, is suspicion allergy or prickly heat?
夏季为何皮肤总是痒痒, 怀疑是过敏还是痱子?
期刊摘选How does summer eliminate hot prickly heat?
期刊摘选The most common type, known as prickly heat, results when sweat escapes into the epidermis.
最常见的一型, 即痱子, 因汗液溢入表皮内而导致.
期刊摘选Forehead always grows darling summer prickly heat, how to do?
宝宝夏天额头总是长痱子, 怎么办?
期刊摘选What method does long prickly heat have to treat on the neck?
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